What Sets MN Elite Apart from Other AAU Basketball Programs in MN?

Vince and Stephanie Fowler didn't start MN Elite to just create another AAU basketball program in Minnesota. Through talking to many other frustrated parents and coupled with their own experience, they created the AAU program that they wish they would have been able to find for their kids.
Here are a few of the things that make us different:
An AAU program that doesn't limit athletes. If your child is 11 but the 13U team is a better fit for them because they are advanced, have put in the work, and can contribute at that level - they will have the opportunity to earn a spot and compete at that level.
Giving their athletes the edge to be elite. Basketball is a combination of skill, head knowledge, discipline, and character. All of that will be developed through practice and games with MN Elite. But what sets a MN Elite athlete apart is that they carry themselves differently. There is a polish to them, understanding that coaches at the next level are recruiting the total athlete as a person, not just their athletic skills.
Every athlete on the team will have a chance to succeed. No agendas, no preferences, every athlete has a chance to contribute and earn their position. There are no sacred cows. Athletes should be able to influence their position based on their contribution in games, their attitude, work put in outside of practice, effort exerted in practice and games, and leadership skills exhibited on the court.
MN Elite is an organization that every athlete and family will be proud to be a member of. Your reputation matters. How coaches represent your team matters. Player behavior matters. MN Elite is committed to operating the premier AAU basketball program in Minnesota for boys and girls. With that comes the responsibility to take care of our image. As the premier program, we're committed to developing the skills of our athletes to the highest level, competing on the national stage, operating our teams and program with class and polish, and providing highly competitive teams that our athletes can't wait to be a part of again each season.
Vince and Stephanie have four athletes of their own at home, they understand this needs to be simplified. As such, we are committed to not training every single day of the week as a team, but maximizing the practice times we do have for optimum development. Clear and timely communication is also a hallmark of what we do. We will share the information we have available as soon as we have it and get it out to the parents in an organized manner. Practice and game schedules will be posted as soon as we have them available so you're not left guessing.
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